Loading Day Contemplation
"I’m once again alone with my thoughts, pastures empty, and with cow manure dotting my pants."
"I’m once again alone with my thoughts, pastures empty, and with cow manure dotting my pants."
"We love how the 3 students used their own context and ability to showcase what interested them and what was important, in their eyes, for our Hudson-Mohawk River Watershed."
How about pine tree, animal pop-sickle for them to munch on and “spruce” up the hay diet?
"My grazing chart has become more than a production and decision-making tool; it is my diary of life."
"The demonstrations are fueling scrutiny from North American farmers, “as only a matter of time before we’re in the crosshairs”.
Doug lived by a certain creed that related well to folks in the field but not so much with politicians.
"They offered no concrete solutions to their points, they never shared what their ideal, zero-emission plate of food would look like."
" I felt like the dinosaur as the first speaker suggested my burping, farting cows would be grazing on the fifth-floor, grassy veranda."
Syracuse, NY—“We are all storytellers. We all live in a network of stories. There isn’t a stronger connection between people than storytelling.” ~Jimmy Neil Smith. In the storied career of farmer, NYS Ag Society member and NYS Assemblyman Harold “Cap” Creal, the NYS Agricultural Society shared 3 journalism awards with another farmer and storyteller. Troy …
"If I would’ve gotten my head out of my “right”-eous ass, I would have seen the symbiosis and layers between the caterpillar and the cow."