Mittens: The Devine Thread
"This ole farmer is a confessed mitten throwback."
Troy Bishopp, affectionately known as “The Grass Whisperer”, is a 35 year well-seasoned grass farmer, a grasslands advocate, and a voice for grassfed livestock producers to the media, consumers, restaurateurs and policy-makers. Troy owns and manages Bishopp Family Farm in Deansboro, NY with his understanding wife, daughters, grandchildren and parents. In addition to farming, Bishopp takes this passion and work ethic to the Madison County Soil and Water Conservation District and the Upper Susquehanna Coalition and directs grazing assistance and practical holistic land management concepts to hundreds of area farmers. He’s also a professional speaker and a free-lance writer/photographer for Lee Newspapers,, and other regional and national media outlets.
“Connection” Greetings from the East, I’m Troy Bishopp, Central NY grass farmer of 40 years, Pop Pop to my grandchildren, husband to an understanding wife and the original “Grass Whisperer”, who needed a moniker to open up doors in Washington, D.C. I practice the art of “Linger Grazing” where we observe the little things and …
"Try giving a talk on mental health at a farming conference and seeing all the tears flow initiated by your words."
"My goal is to be a connector, bringing farmers together who love grass-based agriculture."
I look at what I’ve written. The stark words and the waded-up Kleenexes are my therapy for the day. On this morning another milestone of my brother Scott passes. He would have been 59 years old.
I rather enjoy the yearly bluebird box monitoring and cleanout since it signals the greening of my favorite crop.
"The emotional duty to the people is very hard as I interact with countless families I’ve grown up with on these somber days of grief."
"As many can identify, it has led a full life of adventures, not just holding coffee".
"It’s for our next generations that we do what we do. It’s our why! It’s the most powerful tool or incentive for the future we have---If we choose to use it!