Troy Bishopp, affectionately known as “The Grass Whisperer”, is a grass farmer and grasslands advocate with 40 years of management experience, He has coined the term “Linger Grazing” to describe how noticing little things will help the bigger things and optimize for happiness. Troy owns and manages Bishopp Family Farm in Deansboro, NY with his understanding wife, daughters, grandchildren and parents. Their 100% grass-fed, custom grazing operation raises 100% grass-finished beef and backgrounds feeder cattle for fellow grazing customers on 100 acres of cool season pastures in the Mohawk Valley.

In addition to farming, Bishopp takes this passion and work ethic to the National Grazing Lands Coalition Northeast and directs grazing assistance and practical holistic land management concepts to hundreds of area farmers. He’s also a professional speaker and a free-lance writer/photographer for Lee Newspapers,, and other regional and national media outlets. He volunteers as the Vice-President of the Deansboro Cemetery Association and is a Sons of the American Legion member.
Bishopp Family Farm is a distinguished NYS Agriculture Society’s Century Farm Award recipient for continuous operation since 1890 and boasts 6 generations of farming. Troy is a 2021/2020 “Cap” Creal Excellence in Journalism award recipient and is a 2018 Madison County Best Promotion by Media award winner. He is also a 5-time National Association of Conservation Districts National photo contest winner and a 2017 National Grassfed Exchange Conference service award winner for his over 30 years of grassland advocacy. He is an honoree awarded with the NYS Grazing Lands Conservation Initiative Pioneer Grazier’s award, has garnered numerous Harold “Cap” Creal Excellence in Journalism awards, Agriculture in the News awards and NESARE photography awards and several Mohawk Valley Toastmasters International Public Speaking contest awards.